Master Coach: MEL ROBBINS!

Mel Robbins is a world renowned motivational speaker, author, and life coach who has helped millions of people around the world including myself every time I count myself down to get out of bed or take action. Mel helps people overcome their obstacles, and excuses to get sh*t done. Her coaching methods are centered around the idea of taking action and making small, incremental changes that can lead to significant improvements in one's life. Who’s down for that?!

In this article we will dive a bit further into Mels life and how you can learn from this amazing coach!

Mel Robbins is also known for her popular books and TED talks, which have inspired millions of people around the world. Her book "The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage" has been a bestseller, and her TED talk "How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over" has been viewed over 25 million times.

The "5 Second Rule" is an incredible tool that I mentioned has helped me get out of bed and get things done. It involves taking action within five seconds of having an idea or impulse. As in counting down like a rocket launch 5-4-3-2-1. According to Robbins, our brains are wired to resist change and to stay in our comfort zones, which can prevent us from taking action and making positive changes in our lives. By counting down from five and taking action within that time frame, we can override our natural resistance to change and start making progress towards our goals.

Robbins' coaching methods also emphasize the importance of developing a growth mindset, which involves embracing challenges and seeing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Rather than viewing setbacks as proof of one's limitations or lack of ability, a growth mindset allows individuals to see them as temporary obstacles that can be overcome through persistence and hard work.

Another key aspect of Mel Robbins' coaching methods is the idea of taking responsibility for one's own life and actions. Rather than blaming external factors or circumstances for their problems, individuals are encouraged to take ownership of their lives and make changes where necessary. This involves setting goals, creating a plan of action, and holding oneself accountable for following through on that plan.

Robbins' coaching methods have been praised for their practicality and accessibility. Rather than offering complex theories or strategies, she focuses on simple, actionable steps that individuals can take to improve their lives. Her methods have been embraced by people from all walks of life, from business executives to stay-at-home parents.

We can all learn from this amazing human being! Learn more about Mel and check out her podcast at




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