Running a successful coaching business isn’t as hard as it may seem.
Getting more satisfied clients is easy when you have the right formula.
Odds are, you are ready and you don't need more knowledge
you just need an expert to show you how.
It will take less work and time then you are probably spending at a job you might not even like.
You can help a lot of people, I’ve been able to help thousands using these methods and you can too!
Let me show you how you can get paid while doing what you love.
It’s going to be fun and worth it!
It's all about letting people know who you are, how you can help and how to overcome objections when people are unsure.
It's simple and I will walk you through the entire process.
With this program you will learn everything you will need to know to bring on clients who are happy to pay you for your services and know how to keep moving on when someone isn't a right fit. This program will help you quickly move past the "no's" because you'll know your value, your strengths and how to have others see both.
There are many exciting niches for coaches
It's all about keeping this simple and staying focused.
No more procrastinating and waiting to be ready.
No more trying so hard to look professional and wasting time trying to figure out how to launch a website.
No more needing the perfect equipment to create videos and marketing commercials.
No more reading self-help book after self-help book without focusing on gaining clients.
No more taking courses or classes without getting results.
It's time to use what you know and your abilities to start serving!
You don't have to be perfect.
You will make mistakes but you'll improve.
And you know what? We can grow as we grow our bank account.
What you need to do is get started with the knowledge that will get you clients and get them results.
It's simple…
And I will help you…
What doubts do you have?
Keep reading and exploring to see if I clear them up.
Because It's time to start earning!
Choose your niche & ideal client
Set your rates
Create a strong offer
Meet your future clients
This will get you earning FAST
It’s time to clear your mounting to-do list, take the guesswork out of the process and become successful a coach.
Life coaching is growing fast.
Between 2015-2019, the number of life coaches went up 33%. There are 23,000 certified coaches in the US (71,000 worldwide). 99% of individuals and companies who hire a coach are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the experience.
The knowledge industry is a $355 million a day business. In five years, Forbes expects it to be a billion dollar a day industry.
Successful coaches can exceed 100k a year!
Do you want to be EXTREMELY successful?
Let me break down how easy this can be to achieve.
1 client at $300 per session
4 sessions per month = $1200
7 clients = $8,400 per month
12 months = $100,800 per year!!!
What if I charge less for my sessions?
1 client at $250 per session
4 sessions per month = $1,000
9 clients = $9,000 per month
9 clients will earn you = $108,000 per year!!!
10 clients at $250 a session = 10K per month /$120,000 per year
15 clients at $300 a session = 18k per month / $216,000 per year
Now imagine what can be earned by doing group coaching, masterminds, speaking, and even corporate consulting! You can easily make hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars this way.
Just think what a group mastermind with 50 participants if they just paid $1000 to attend that’s $50,000
Or get 100 people to join a 6 week program for $2,000 and that’s $200,000 in six weeks!
I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed, I just wanted you to see what is possible!
There is no limit to what you can achieve with coaching and consulting.
You don’t have to take all that on either, you can simply have a few clients on top of what you are already doing for some supplemental income.
What you'll be taught in this course can have you living a life beyond your wildest dreams. I have blown my mind and the minds of so many new coaches! Because our methods get results.
Inside each of the 3 master modules I break down exactly what you must do from what you might, or maybe want to try.
This accelerator will save you time, energy and will make you a money making machine!
You will learn how to-
Increase your impact & give massive value
Create offerings that are too good to pass up
Become a exceptional communicator
Learn how the best coaches got there
Grow your confidence
Create a clear roadmap that will get you results
Accelerate from 0-100k and beyond
All you have to do is show up and follow the steps.
It doesn't get easier than this!
In order to serve at the highest level we have to be supporting ourselves, taking care of our families and living a life that demonstrates success and lights us up. So let's get you there so you can stop worrying about the financial and instead focus on your contributions, passions, your friends and family, and of course your amazing clients!
You might be thinking - is this right for me? Am I ready? Can I afford this? Will people take me seriously?
If you want to do meaningful work say "yes!"
If you want to help people live extraordinary lives and get to do the same yourself, say "YES!"
If you want to to stop playing it safe or doing a job you don't like say "YESSS!"
Your results will speak for themselves in time and when meeting potential clients you will be received well by most. The only people in this world who don't get hated on are the ones that play it so safe that no one cares. It's time to step into your greatness and if it's coaching to go all the way and see it through!
The skills you will master in this course will serve you well for your entire life but don't just take my word for it.
When you truly connect with and built some rapport with a potential client this is what they won't ask vs what they will ask.
Won't ask: Where did you get certified?
Will ask: How can you help me?
Won't ask: How wealthy are you?
Will ask: What are your rates?
Won't ask: What makes you an expert or qualified to coach people?
Will ask: How can I get results like you have?
Won't ask: How many clients have you coached?
Will ask: Do you have any space available?
Clients aren't concerned as much with who your past clients have been or what you did for them. How long you've been a coach or how much money you have made. They care about how you can help them become more successful in life.
Your job is to guide them and get them to define what success is. Then help them craft a plan with actionable steps to get there. Then you are there to hold them accountable to their plan. It's not as challenging as it may seem, it's not rocket science but it is necessary and meaningful work. Coaching is the quickest way I've ever seen to reaching your dreams. This is why athletes have coaches. Singers have coaches. Authors have literary agents and publishers who are like coaches.
Potential clients are interested in one thing- can you help THEM.
People come to you, not to know your background or how many clients you've worked with, they want to know how you'll make life better for THEM.
Clients hire you and pay your rates because they believe you are worth it and will create at least that much value for THEM.
So getting THEM to sign with you is about getting out of your own way and making it all about THEM.
This will make attracting new clients and getting them to purchase your coaching offerings so much easier.
Every client will be investing in THEMSELVES!
If you are still feeling doubt, I want you to push through it because there is no better time than now. We know the struggles you face in this industry and what will come up as you tell people about your coaching business.
You just have to GO FOR IT!
So don't let not knowing your niche hold you back or your fears around asking for your rates or setting your price. I will show you it's easy as 1-2-3 and it only costs 3K and that investment could make you over 100k a year for the rest of your life! I have helped other clients enter into the 100k club and it's always a THRILL!
It doesn't matter what coaching courses or schools you went to. Or if you are just starting out. I will also include some resources I love and options to further your studies as you take on clients.
We are committed to your success!
You will have access to our team that is here to support you!
Together we will-
Build your confidence so that you are ready and know you are the right fit for your clients.
Perfect your offering and help you know how to explain it in a concise and powerful manner.
Eliminate fears and imposter syndrome.
Help you create your dreams with a solid plan.
Help you eliminate stress by focusing on what needs to be done to turn a profit in your coaching business.
All this help will make it easier for you to do what you love and coach!
With our methods you can avoid paying lots of money for a flashy website.
You'll save on advertising because you will do after people in your niche.
You'll earn more because you'll know how to stay competitive or even niche down and become an expert in an area of coaching and get to charge a premium for your services.
We have a great custom method that works to help you get you to the 100k club fast!
We will discuss several tools to help in your sessions.
I will be giving you a BONUS workbook of materials to help you tremendously within the industry! This workbook is a GOLD MINE and is worth a fortune and it's all yours if you sign up now.