Daily Gratitude

Gratitude creates a great attitude.

By now most of us have heard about the tremendous, science-backed research that shows that gratitude can change the makeup of our brains. Instead of talking about the research, I thought we could focus on applying more gratitude into our lives today. In this post, I will be sharing 12 simple ways we can incorporate more moments of gratitude into our lives.  I hope you enjoy this list of options.

  1. At every meal, we can say something we are grateful for.

  2. Keep a gratitude journal. You can make it a ritual by writing in it around the same time each day. It can also be nice to bookend your day with writing in it morning and evening.

  3. Saying thank you when you wake up and think of some things you are thankful for.

  4. Keep photos of people you love around. Put them somewhere that you'll see them every day and send love to these special people. Feel your heart well up with gratitude for their presence in your life as you gaze upon them.

  5. Say “thank you” to someone every day.

  6. Go on a gratitude walk. Take a stroll without mental distractions. Make the core intention of this time to appreciate all that you can about your life and the world.

  7. Set reminders like an alarm on your phone, you could also put up reminders with habit trackers, or post-it notes on your door, in your car, or at your desk. Then, every time you see the reminder it says something you’re grateful for.

  8. Tell someone special to you that you are grateful for them. You can call, write a letter, or even send a thoughtful text. Make it specific and personal.

  9. Pick a thing that you appreciate each day and list out several reasons why you like and enjoy it.

  10. Create a gratitude jar or container. Have little strips of paper and a pen near so that anytime you think of something special, that you're grateful for you can write it down and put it in the jar. Then when you need a boost of gratitude read some of the messages in the jar.

  11. When you are waiting in line or in traffic you can take this time to practice gratitude. We can then see these moments of being slowed down as a sign to fill up our gratitude tank.

  12. "Gratitude Groupies" create a tight group of friends that you can list out a few things you are grateful for in a group chat. This provides accountability and as you read the things your friends listed you may be even more grateful and inspired.

To track your gratitude rituals and routines you can use my custom Habit Trackers or even create your own.

I am so grateful that you read this and to be growing my gratitude practice with all of you.

Which numbers will you try? 


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