Create Your Path
Where does the trail you're on lead?
Our brains form trails, neural pathways of thought that become more deeply ingrained in us as we continue using these them. When these paths serve us in getting where we want to go it's amazing but when they don't it's mazing... winding, exhausting, we may feel lonely and afraid.
The great thing about it is that at any time we can forge a new path and create a life that serves our soul goals.
We just have to train the mind and take aligned action.
A few questions to get started:
What do you most want to feel and experience?
What thoughts would you need to release and replace to experience more of those desired moments?
What new thoughts (affirming ones) would bring you closer to the feelings and experiences you want right now?
Write out a few affirmations and look at them morning and night for at least 21 days.
This will create new habits and beliefs that will strengthen, like going down your new trail over and over. With time, the old mental pathways that harmed you, insulted you, held you back, and kept you in a fearful state will weaken. With your new paths and beliefs you get to enjoy the adventure of life so much more.
Take control of your mind, don't let it control you.