Water Manifestation / Give It A Try

Warning this article may make you extra thirsty so get yourself a glass of water and together we will create some more wellness in our bodies right now. It’s time to dive into the fascinating world of water, manifestation, science, spirituality, and as always a touch of fun. As a fellow seeker of wisdom, you’re about to unlock the secrets of water’s transformative power.

Too be honest, I wasn’t always sold on water manifestation but after my friend J pushed me to try it - I was not only SOLD - I BOUGHT IT BIG TIME. I mean water is cheap, it’s free out of most fountains and extremely inexpensive at the store for most of us. So it’s accessible and easy to manifest with it and well worth a try (“Well” see what I did there? Haha)

While many of us are fortunate to have clean fresh water this isn’t the case for many. If you feel called to look deeper and be a part of the solution globally, check out Thirst Project and their amazing charitable work with the aim of bringing safe drinking water to communities around the world where it is not immediately available.

Not only did my life change a lot after meeting this incredible manifestor, his did as well. Maybe J and I will share more with you all in the future… But here’s the brief rundown, our meeting was pretty cosmic we started speaking about life and spirituality right away and I learned and saw first hand how he manifested his dreams. I eagerly encouraged him to become more present on social media and share what he was doing with the world. Since then, he’s amassed a large following, millions of views, traveled the world hosing retreats, manifested incredible experiences, a sweet luxury car, and an abundance of goodness that keeps raining in. It’s been incredible to watch his rise. Stay until the end for a special manifestation technique J taught me.

Now for some science-

Water and Intention: Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Revelations

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, embarked on a groundbreaking journey in 1994 to explore how human consciousness influences water. His experiments revealed that water is more than mere H₂O; it’s a living, responsive entity. Here’s the essence of some of his findings:

  1. The Symphony of Crystals:

    • Dr. Emoto exposed water to various words, thoughts, and emotions. Then, he froze the water and observed its crystalline structures under a microscope.

    • Positive emotions—love, gratitude, joy—created intricate, harmonious crystals that were symmetrical and elaborate. Negative influences, like fear or hate, resulted in distorted and jagged patterns.

    • These findings showed the intention was stored in the structure of the crystals, showing the outer world is affected by our inner thoughts and feelings. But remember this is water and we can thaw it out and choose our intentions. I hope you’ll choose love and joy with me.

  2. Your Inner Ocean:

    • Consider your body is about 60% water and our brains are 80% water. Your vibrations are effecting the water within you as well as each cell. Let’s choose to nourish our bodies in the best energy that we can and notice how we feel after and the harmony that enters into our lives.

    • When you imprint positive intentions onto your inner water, you resonate with similar vibrations from the universe. It’s like tuning your radio to the right frequency, the one with the music that makes you feel most alive! Those jams that have you shaking your booty and singing along at the top of your lungs.

    • Water becomes a conductor, infusing your body and mind with your desires. It’s a silent yet incredible collaborator in your manifestation journey. If you really understand this and it resonates with you deeply- it can be life changing information.

Water Manifestation RitualS:

Now, let’s create a water ritual that’s both powerful and playful.

  1. Morning Brew: The Charged Elixir

    • Rise with purpose. Fill a glass with water—the elixir of life add in lemon if you.

    • Hold the glass in your hands and send loving energy into the water for a few moments.

    • Then whisper your intentions into it. Visualize your dreams as vividly as you can in thought and feeling.

    • Sip slowly, allowing the energy to infuse every cell. You’re charging your vessel for the day ahead.

  2. Universal Streaming: Lake/River/Stream Connection

    • Find a serene lake, river or stream to go enjoy. It’s like nature’s Wi-Fi hotspot.

    • Stand at the water’s edge barefoot if possible and feel the earth beneath your feet.

    • Speak your dreams out loud or within your heart.

    • Then touch the water or kick it gently and let the ripples carry your intentions across the water’s surface extending out into the Universe.

  3. Waterfall Dive: Cleansing and Clarity

    • Seek out a waterfall and let its roar cleanse your connection to your spirit.

    • Dive in (metaphorically or literally) visualizing any fears, energetic blocks, any hurtful words and negativity washing away. Imagine the negativity like dirt being cleansed from your spiritual body.

    • As you emerge, visualize your path crystal clear and embrace the freshness and closeness to your true essence.

  4. Cosmic Cleanse: Energetic Water Purification

    • This is similar to the last but can be done in the shower. Listen to the water as it cascades down.

    • Sing a song full of empowerment or say your desires out loud, your voice reverberates through water molecules.

    • Imagine your desires harmonizing with the water’s flow and allow any negative thoughts to go down the drain.

  5. Gratitude Splash: The Ripple Effect

    • Before bed, return to your charged glass of water. You could even write a word or a few on the side of the bottle.

    • Thank it. Yes, thank water. It’s been your silent partner.

    • Sip, knowing you’ve set energy into motion. Gratitude amplifies manifestation.

AND FINALLY- My favorite way to manifest with wateR

this is the one J taught me…

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the process of what’s commonly referred to as the-

Two Cup Method

  1. Prepare Two Glasses: You’ll need two clear glasses or cups.

  2. Label with Current Reality: Write your current situation or state on a piece of paper and attach it to one of the glasses.

  3. Label with Desired Reality: On another piece of paper, write down the state or situation you wish to manifest and attach it to the second glass.

  4. Fill the First Glass: Pour water into the glass labeled with your current reality.

  5. Focus Your Intentions: Hold the glass and spend a few moments concentrating on your current state, acknowledging it without judgment.

  6. Pour into the Second Glass: Slowly pour the water into the glass labeled with your desired reality, visualizing the transition from the current to the desired state.

  7. Drink the Water: Drink the water while fully immersing yourself in the feeling of having achieved the desired state. Soak in this beautiful feeling and appreciate it right here in this moment.

This technique is based on the idea that water can be ‘programmed’ with thoughts and intentions, a concept popularized by Dr. Masaru Emoto. It’s a simple yet powerful way to align your subconscious with your goals.

Remember, my fellow seeker, every intention sets energy in motion. Whether you’re a scientist, religious, spiritual or a blend, water responds. So cheers to the good stuff, the love, healing, play and joy water gives us.

And hey, if you ever need a water manifestation buddy, I’m here for it- Book Now


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