Embracing Heart Centered Leadership

Embracing heart-centered business practices can transform your leadership style and positively impact your organization and all it serves, including of course team members.

Here are some practical ways to infuse love into your leadership approach:

  1. Care: This is number one, it’s the best business practice on the planet. Show genuine concern and kindness toward your team members. Schedule regular check-ins with them that aren’t even business related, literally just spend time with them focusing on their interests and creating the space for them to share what’s going on in their lives. Doing this will create an energetic flow between you both that will demonstrate the core principle of caring. Create memories with your co-workers as well because these are often people we are sharing a good portion of our lives with and in the end what matters most is the relationships we cultivated, the love we created and the love we leave behind. Remember, “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Studies show that when leaders demonstrate that they possess empathy and warmth, productivity goes up, employees state that they feel more engaged and everyone benefits as a result.

  2. Hire Well: Take time to really get to know someone you are thinking of hiring. Sure, look at their resume and experience but also notice their energy. Ask questions related to the position but in a light and relaxed manner and notice what aspects of their past work lights them up. Uncover what they think they would most enjoy about working for your company as well. Focus more on the energy they bring into the interview process than just what they say. THE MOST IMPORTANT INVESTMENT YOU CAN EVER MAKE IN BUSINESS, IS IN THOSE YOU HIRE AND HOW YOU CARE FOR THEM.

  3. Conscious Conversations: Conflict and concerns are a natural part of any workplace. Instead of avoiding it, address any issues with compassion and a desire to find solutions. Approach conflicts as teammates coming at the problem and not at each other. Approach disagreements as opportunities for growth and learning and take the necessary actions from a clear headed and open hearted space.

  4. Invest in Human Connections: Instead of sitting in offices all day or on zoom calls- if possible, prioritize building strong in-person team bonding. Encourage times of group relaxation and play to bond teams together. This will spark ideas and different departments to get better at communicating and interacting with one another, who know’s it may just lead to your companies next great idea!

  5. Feed Your Soul: As a leader, take care of your own well-being. Engage in activities that nourish your spirit, grounding mixed with breathwork, a spa day, laughter between friends, going on a walking meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing a relaxing hobby. A fulfilled leader inspires others.

  6. Show Appreciation: Regularly express gratitude to your team members. Acknowledge their efforts, celebrate achievements, and recognize their contributions. The little things really do count as a leader take an hour a week to contemplate ways you can encourage your team and things you can do to brighten their days.

Remember, being caring isn’t a weakness in leadership; it’s your greatest strength. By leading with love, you create a supportive, collaborative atmosphere where everyone thrives. Sending good energy to every soul who reads this, I hope you found something of value here. I appreciate you.


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