How to Ask and Answer Questions Meaningfully

So much growth and understanding can come from asking and answering great questions. I would like to share a few thoughts about both asking and answering questions.

When asking questions- ask because you are genuinely curious, not just to keep a conversation going. Even if silence enters into a conversation it will be honest and the thoughts will go deeper when it’s not just chatter. Make your intention to be authentic and to truly connect. 

When a question comes into your mind filter it through your heart before saying it out loud or in text. When we filter the question in our heart it can come out more sincere. We can check for any motives we may have behind it, it will be less abrassive and hopefully with some added creativity. A thoughtful question is a gift to the one receiving it and the answer given back from offering can become much richer, more de-light-ful and en-light-ening. These exchanges light us up and allow brilliance to be shared. 

When answering questions- give the person asking a clear response that directly pertains to what has been requested. I see many public people and salespeople avoid questions, redirecting to what they want to say instead of answering what has been asked. This builds mistrust and can leave the person asking the question feeling ignored and that their time is being wasted. 

When we answer questions openly and honestly the person asking feels heard and valued. Even if the answer is-

“I’d really prefer not to talk about that.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about this yet.”
“I don’t have enough details to have an opinion on that.” 

You can even ask a question back to them so that they know they have been heard-

“What made you think to ask that?” 

Your response to questions won’t always be what the person wants to hear but respect will be established because you cared enough to be direct and listened to the person asking.

So one last question…

Are there any questions?


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