Building Confidence From the Ground Floor Up

Confidence is an issue which, as a gay man, I feel can't be overstated. I think that this is true for all of us. I'm not just talking about social presence, but all aspects of life.

 It's not just a matter of being enigmatic, vibrant, or confident in outer appearance. These are vital, of course, but I've come to find that there's a deep well of experience in our personal lives that precedes this and from which these outer forms of confidence arise. 

So deep is this realm that it impacts all other aspects of my day-to-day experience. In short, without checking in with myself – and whether I realize this or not- I'm not all that I can be. This is true on any time scale. Whether it's today, tomorrow, next week or even in the decades to come. Something is simply missing., and the reason is easy to miss 

if you're not looking in the right places. 

 It took a while for me to realize this, but once I did, it became my life's passion. I refined a workable technique and I became enthralled with sharing these practical goals with others, researching and honing them, compiling feedback on them, and refining them even more. 

  Identity and dignity, along with other aspirational aspects on the gay cultural wavelength are vital to me. But these simply flow out of a positive relationship with myself. To build on that relationship relies on measurable wins in my relationships with others, within my working life and with specific aspects of my observable behavior. This is an extremely dynamic process, and I've committed my time to hone this so that others can experience its benefit. 


  Getting Down to the Foundation


 I feel that my life coaching success can be attributed to a few fine points. To start with, I have a large gay following. The reason for this, I suppose has something to do with the surprising practicality of the ideas which I tend to share. I'm told that these are both creative and meaningful and that I have a knack for tying them together in strategic ways. 

 Moreover, I feel that in our digital world we've ignored the more mundane aspects of life. Perhaps for the highly creative, talented, and aspirational group of people we are, this was a natural fit for gay individuals, and it's what led to my success in the niche of gay life-coaching. 

 In my life coaching approach, I will share with you the most practical elements of what makes a happy, healthy, and vibrant life. I will go further than that to say that this is a path that has no limitations. In my experience, there is simply no end to the wealth of possibilities that this can open up for you. If consistent joy in life has been a challenge for you, or if you're generally successful but simply unsatisfied with your relationship to life, I believe that I can help you immensely. 

  My approach is quite different to what's out there. I don't believe that life coaching has to deal with too many abstracts. A mentor for me is someone who teaches you to thrive by creating thousands of small wins in a broad array of areas in your life. Great achievements begin this way. I want to teach you to stand on your own two feet in areas where you're struggling and to reach excellence in areas where you're already thriving..

 I'm extremely grateful for the publicity I've received on MTV, ABC late night news and other news media; but I have to tell you that none of it comes from a pursuit of success for its own sake. Rather, 

I wanted to build toward joy, fulfillment, and confidence. It's a journey that has endless horizons. In our fraught, unstable, world of marketers, gimmicks, and high-minded concepts, I believe I've found a proven way for you to secure your goals, whatever they may be. It's a practical, workable solution which all of my clients delight in. 


 In other words, it's time to conquer the storm rather than simply survive it. 


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