A pic from my stay-cation (not a vacation) to Bali.
If travel is something you really want to experience but due to the pandemic or financial concerns it's just not available to you. Immerse yourself in the feeling of the place/ places you want to go.
These visualization techniques can actually attract the places and opportunities for new memories you desire but they also allow us to feel amazing in the present.
Some suggestions for a great stay-cation.
Cook yourself a meal that the area is known for or you can order in. So if you want to visit Italy 🇮🇹 order your favorite Italian food or cook some homemade lasagna or pasta bolognese. I like to cook the meal and get into the spirit listening to music from the area I'm dreaming of.
Light candles or incense that smell like what you'll encounter there. If you want to travel somewhere on the coast for instance you could light a candle that smells like the beach.
You can watch movies that take place where you want to go and jot down any fun things you would like to experience when you are there.
Research shows that a lot of the fun involved in travel takes place in the planning some studies say that the joy of the thought accounts for over 2/3 of the experience. If we decide to enjoy the thought by delighting our senses, and visualize yourself there then we can get an amazing chunk of the experience without even hopping on a plane.
So use that imagination! Have fun with it! You can also invite roomies, friends and family via the phone to enjoy a night in of travel with you and sync things up together by ordering from the same restaurant or creating a live playlist on Spotify and watching a movie together.
Create your magic.