Exceptional Leadership Qualities- Rate Yourself!
Everyone is a leader whether they know it or not.
Every day you are in charge of yourself and the decisions you make have an impact on the quality of your life. Taking your role as a boss seriously is important to creating a life by design instead of default. Being an excellent leader will also help you advance harmoniously in your career.
As we take responsibility for our lives and become better leaders to ourselves, we expand our opportunity to help others with guidance and support. The personal development work we do naturally elevates everyone around us. This is because we become a demonstration of what is possible through our determination and desire to do better. Exceptional leaders create other great leaders and together they serve the greater good.
Here are a few excellent leadership skills that can inspire greatness. Now I know some of these may sound simple but staying consistent and making them into a habit takes real discipline. So let’s take some time together to explore some ways we can become more effective leaders. Rate yourself in each area from 1-10 and ask yourself how you can enhance any area you scored lower than desired.
Exceptional leaders-
Are in tune with their energy, they recognize that people will feel the energy they present. So they intentionally greet people with cleansed energy and consciously select how they want others to feel in their presence.
Possess a strong desire to keep learning, while knowing they will never know everything. This doesn’t detour them from continuing to embrace new ideas and to try new ways of doing things.
Care more about people than profits. Of course a company must remain solvent in order to stay in business but successful business have their priorities right. People must always come before profits. They know they can be profitable by putting people first and making their lives better.
Are humble enough to ask for help. They know they can’t do everything or understand all perspectives. They seek the guidance of mentors older and younger than them. They are always looking for what they can learn from people.
Listen closely to their intuition and when they don’t know what to do they seek further guidance, never rushing into a situation without pause. Even when asked a question they are unsure about they inform the person that they will get back to them on the matter.
Are deeply present with whoever is in front of them with respect and awe for the magnificence of this unique being. With no words shared they invite the person in front of them to be themselves because they warmly engage with them and send them positive energy from the thoughts within their mind.
Spend time and energy getting to know their team. It’s as important to know the people you work with as it is to know what you offer and sell. Taking this time to learn about your co-workers or employees shows that you see them as a dimensional person with their own individual dreams, unique characteristics, and personal desires.
Encourage creativity and brainstorming. Brilliant leaders know that sometimes the solutions or better and more effective ways of doing things can be right under their nose. They allow co-workers to fire off ideas without judgement so that creativity can flow. They use phrases like, “What I like about that idea is…” and “That’s good, what I would like to add to that thought is…” Thought leaders also spend time in quiet reflection and take time to ponder.
Make room for healthy discussion and debate. They give all parties the opportunity to speak up and respectfully disagree. They seek out the deeper intention behind the positions, recognizing that deep down everyone is just seeking the same thing, love. Generally people want to feel good and do good- for themselves, their families, pets, our veterans, their country, the planet, etc. We all just have different ideas of how to accomplish these goals.
Are playful with their team. Having fun together grows strong bonds. It’s also good when we can laugh at ourselves, it shows that we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
They are honest and vulnerable, owning up to their mistakes and creating a safe place for others to admit their own challenges, losses, and character flaws.
Know how to set and enforce healthy boundaries. Even if it doesn’t work out and they must part ways, they do it respectfully.
Value you and make it known that you are appreciated through their thoughts and actions. They know that everyone enjoys receiving praise and recognition in different ways and they give those gifts based on those preferences.
They love those who work with them. They cultivate compassion even for the most challenging co-workers and continue caring about others even when they are disappointed or even betrayed. When someone hurts you or upsets you simply ask, “help me see the innocence in them”. This simple question can transform everything and free yourself. Then you can move away from the situation with greater grace. Love is the source of all miracles.
I am proud of everyone who took the time to read this and made it to the end. To those who rated themselves and/or will apply some of these ideas, way to go! You obviously take your role as a leader seriously and have the desire to continue improving yourself. The world needs more people like you.
Reach out anytime with any questions or comments- Kaden@KadenJames.com