Why Life-Coaching Might Be Your Destiny

I wasn't always confident. The truth is, life can often be brutal. Growing up in small-town Idaho I was bullied into a state of depression which, at that time I didn't think I'd ever leave. Things were so bleak at one point that I'd become homeless.

But I'm so thankful for each and every one of the struggles I faced. They left a mark on me; a valuable one. I was able to walk away from the limelight I was to later enjoy, and into a career that offers me something more happiness and fulfilment; something that money will never be able to buy, and something that will outlive me.

I realized that looks don't last forever, and that few people were lucky enough to land a modelling career with the world's top name brands. More than that,  and despite the fact that hanging onto such an incredible career was the obvious solution, I found that I'd searched too much into life to unthinkingly accept what others, people whom I love,  told me was best.

Suffering had made me search much deeper into life. I'd found in my own success as a performing artist on MTV and model cause for concern rather than something to comfort me. The fact is, I could have stayed in the world of performance art, Louis Vuitton, Neiman Marcus and others. But the praise rang hollow. I had an urge to solve real problems of wellness and confidence, and as a writer, I knew those to be the essence of life. Confidence was something I was used to, and I knew too many beautiful souls to whom it seemed a luxury.

The Answer Seemed So Simple

I was still young when I quit modelling, and I still am young enough to continue in that world, but the thing that really stood out for me was that I could benefit the world with some pointers that had become day-to-day realities for me. In my Daily Playbook I outline the common denominators of a great life. These were aspects that I've found to be foundational to a happy, healthy, prosperous lifestyle which are commonplace to the great people of history. They've been adopted by CEO's and those who consider themselves “average Joe's” alike.

Now, I don't believe that anyone's average, because I've been taught that anyone can still live their finest moments. An average Joe to me is just someone who's on their way to greatness. But those who aren't confident feel themselves to be average, and that's okay too (as long as you're intent on changing it). You have to start somewhere after all. It's this realization that I could help others, that brought me to become a life coach, and to seek training under the most inspirational figures in the world to become one. I had to learn from the best if I was to help make an impact on such a troubled world.

Thanks to my line of work, it was quite easy to move in these circles. The personal guidance of Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Cloe Madanes and Marianne Williamson, served as an affirmation that I was on a path that was real and palpable, and capable of changing countless lives. The training I received encompasses confidence-coaching and NLP as well; But helping others to become life-coaches and move beyond their life-coach certification into a true passion is my latest project.

Life Coaching is More Than Work

The great part about inspiring others is that the benefits don't stop with them. They run the whole circle round. The fact is that sometimes we need to be forced into a position where we know we'll be relied upon to change and update our own outlook and do so continually. By cutting the mooring lines that tethered me to my old way of life, I was practically forcing myself to grow enough to face the worst challenges in other peoples' lives too.

Many called this decision less than wise, but had I known the richness it would bring to my life, I'd  have made that decision much sooner. By facing the challenges of others, we become more than capable of dealing with our own. It's an incredible fortune and privilege to be placed in the position of a councillor. It offers us a window on our own problems that makes them fun to engage with and it also means that we can retell the story of our life in hundreds of different ways.

Come to think of it, this reminds me of a quote I once heard that sounds something like this:

“Hero's are just people who put themselves in the right place at a challenging time”.

As a story-teller and writer, this is has opened up possibilities in my creative life that simply weren't available in the sometimes staid and affected world of excess I was used to.

Advice to New Life-Coaches

To anyone who wants to pursue life-coaching as a career, I want to tell you that there has been no better time than this very moment. If you have the right motives and a clear perspective on what matters in life, you'll find that this is the most rewarding career there is.

To those who have faced significant challenges and overcome them, I want to tell you that you have an incredible gift to bring to the world. I have written about this gift in my Novel “All I have to Give,” a story ardently inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's “The Little Match Girl.” This is the gift of your presence, and it's truly irreplaceable. The fact is that the world is crying out for your abilities. What are you waiting for? I would like to help you to reach your life-coaching goals.

To those who know such people as those above, I want you to bring them on-board. If they can benefit by reading this article, then I'd like for you to share it with them.


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