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So many of the people I've coached were living at half, a tenth or even a thousandth of their true potential before I met them. I have to be honest. I wasn't the answer. It sometimes takes such a small change in perspective before my clients are able to realize the things that matter and to reach their peak performance. 

The answer, as I learn anew each day,  came from them. There really would be no point in life coaching if it didn't describe the process of leading someone on the path to become their own life coach. I want to help people find, become inspired by, and enhance their inner light. It's my job to clear the barriers that make that possible.

If it's only a small light, one you struggle to see, we can work toward bringing it into visibility again. We all have dreams lodged within our psyche that deserve to be brought out and lived out in the real world. Some questions don't go away.

“How do I achieve a life rich with fulfilment?”
“What is my significance in the world?”
“How can I become the inspiration I need?”

These questions might have run through your mind so many times that they don't land with any impact. On the other hand, they may be positive to you, in which case you have the opportunity of achieving endlessly more. They may also strike you as painful: You might wince as you consider all the time you perceive to have lost.

I want to encourage you that nothing is ever lost. It simply returns to your life in another form. Even time “lost”, which is really the most valuable thing on earth can be used to fuel new victories which from the outset might seem small, but are the foundation for outgrowing even your most treasured aspirations.

I've Learned From the Mistakes (and Victories) of Other Coaches.

Growing up as a gay man in small-town Idaho, I had struggled to love myself for longer than I cared to remember. Eventually, having reached destitution and a life devoid of the loving help of anyone around me, I'd truly arrived at the darkest aspects of what it means to be human. Those who had mistreated me seemed to think this proved their position. Yet the struggles of life gave me deep roots, and a sense of purpose, and in the next leg of my life I was able to accomplish much more than anything I could have dreamed to be possible.

From perseverance, and self-love that I was able to cherish, grew a life I could truly thrive within. I was able to reach anything I set my mind to, even joy and fulfilment. Eventually the life of fame and success in the fashion and music industries that I'd carved out for myself seemed truly limitless. Looking back, I realized that my appearances on on MTV, VH1 and Logo as a musician, and for Louis Vuiton among other fashion houses, was the result of a simple decision to love myself, and to carry on through the storms of life, even when death seemed the best outcome.

The trouble was, there was no one at the time who could help me weather those storms. Storms that were particular to me as a gay man. Many times, the particular issues I faced were ignored or minimized by those around me, even if they meant well.

An Urge to Save Others

This process toward success was extremely difficult and drawn out. Though I could have spent much longer in the world of fashion and celebrity, I decided against it because I knew that I could help others to find their place in the world much quicker than I had done. After all, time is the equivalent of lifeblood, and nobody willingly goes about wasting their lifeblood on enterprises that get them nowhere.
I wanted to teach others to save themselves as I had, and without the the many snares that I'd encountered. I truly believe that success is a teachable skill which simply needs to be awakened within you. You might need accountability and a great deal of encouragement, but in the end you will be astonished at what you're able to accomplish.

Learning Form the Greatest Minds

I have always had a personal ambition to seek out excellence. And as it turned out, the confidence I'd grown into needed tempering. Luckily I moved in the right circles and was able to receive the personal training of the most inspiring figures in the world. These include masters in the field of life coaching. Among them are Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Marrianne Williamson and Cloe Madanes.

The truth is, I had become so confident that I needed to learn how to translate these skills to others again. The giants of life coaching mentioned above were my personal mentors, and they helped transform me into a highly-rated life coach who has a really well-rounded understanding of what it takes to impact in peoples' lives in the most meaningful way possible.

Learning to Become Your Own Life Coach

But it didn't stop there. I've since found ways to help people become their own best life coach. This is a passion of mine. I truly believe that the world can benefit from more life coaches who have the right set of objectives. Ideally, I'd like for the impossible to happen. I'd like you to coach others like I am able to do.

But let's take things one step at a time. The good news is that many of the techniques and strategies I use are about simplifying rather than complicating your life. They're there to help you connect with your body's health, those you love and with a renewed sense of purpose. There's a path of success that is tried and tested by the world's most famous people, and it's just as easily available to you as it was to me.


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