Stanford Study on Effects of Life Coaching

To be completely honest for many years I was skeptical of most seminars and life coaches because it always felt like they were trying to hard sell me on something. They would make all these extreme promises that were unlikely. I would turn them down because they didn't resonate with me and if I had taken the time to read the fine print of their guarantees I am sure it would have been impossible to get a refund if the results they were promising weren't delivered. So instead of taking out a loan at over 30% interest or begging a family member to pay for me to take a $12,000 online course, I read and I listened.

I spend my time listening to audio books on personal development and buying the best books I could find on the subject. This was how I had access to some of the greatest minds on the planet - past and present. It was such a gift to spend an afternoon with Jen Sincero, and a morning run the next day with Tony Robbins. My Tuesday nights were booked up solid with lectures from Marianne Williams. My gym sessions were narrated by the audio books of Wayne Dyer and Gabby Bernstein. My pre-meditation ritual was reading Eckhart Tolle. As well as the Ted talks I would watch with Mel Robbins and the courses I would take on productivity… I share this because this was and still is a big passion of mine. In these folks I saw the same hunger to make the lives of others better. I was inspired by the way they had all transformed their own lives and I really wanted to change my own.

I spent years absorbing and trying the techniques and methods they shared. Through a lot of trial I found a system that worked for me and my life improved more and more as I continued to create and stack healthy habits.

I wanted to share everything I knew in my soul to be true as well as a lot of techniques and tools I had learned, refined and created that were custom. I was greeted with quite a bit of suspicion by people wondering- Does this stuff really work?

The truth is it does! But- and it’s a big but… It requires time, energy and the desire to keep growing and resist the urge to distract and escape the work. It takes right aligned action.

Still, even though I knew the results I was getting it was a tough sell for some people. They couldn’t always trust the terms like “coach” or “consultant” because of experiences from the past. They thought some coaches were snake oil sales people- And they are right, some are. Some people promise the world and under-deliver.

I offer an intuitive experience that helps people connect with their higher self and uncover what they really want to be and achieve in this life. From this place we create a blueprint and build the life they truly desire. Soul goals are what I call them…

Now there has been even more research since I started coaching that has come out that I would love to share with you. The fascinating study conducted by the Snyder Lab of Genetics at Stanford University on the impact of Tony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny” Life Coaching event. This research sheds light on the transformative effects of life coaching and NLP techniques, providing valuable insights for those seeking personal growth.

Title: Unleashing Human Potential: Insights from “Date with Destiny”

In recent years, personal development seminars and life coaching programs have gained immense popularity, especially the at home versions. Among these, Tony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny” and “Unleash the Power Within” are quite possibly the most popular ever. The Stanford study aimed to understand the potential psychological and emotional shifts experienced by participants during this event.


The researchers recruited a diverse group of individuals who attended “Date with Destiny.” Participants ranged from business professionals to artists, all seeking personal transformation. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews.

  1. Quantitative Measures:

    • Positive Emotions: Participants reported a 50% increase in positive emotions after the event. These emotions included joy, gratitude, and inspiration. As someone who has done to Unleash the Power Within I can attest to this.

    • Negative Emotions: Surprisingly, participants experienced a 70% decrease in negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, and self-doubt. This is a massive difference.

    • Depression Remission: A subset of participants who had previously struggled with depression showed significant improvement. Remission rates were unprecedented, leading the researchers to recheck their data several times.

  2. Qualitative Insights:

    • Self-Discovery: Attendees described profound moments of self-discovery. They gained clarity about their values, purpose, and limiting beliefs. This is something that life coaching is amazing for.

    • Emotional Release: Techniques like breathwork and emotional catharsis allowed participants to release pent-up emotions. This release was cathartic and liberating. This is such a healthy way to address anger, jealousy, hurt, and other lover vibrations.

    • Community Bonding: The event fostered a sense of community. Participants connected with like-minded individuals, reinforcing their commitment to personal growth. This is something I see over and over again with clients. Some people are willing to put in the work in creating the life of their dreams and it can feel lonely when others around us aren’t. That’s why finding others with growth mindsets can be so beneficial and this is something many people experience at these types of events.

    And this comes directly from Tony’s Website-

    100% of those studied were declared to be in remission 30 days later.

    Mirroring the structure of the study done with psilocybin, but without drugs. Of the participants that were clinically depressed before the seminar, 30 days after the event, 100% of study participants who were depressed were in remission, and their average improvement was 87.2%. No drugs, and only 6 days of time. Additionally, at the beginning of the study, 17% of participants experienced suicidal thoughts.

    One month after Date with Destiny, none of the participants reported suicidal thoughts!

“I’ve been doing research for almost 20 years and have published almost 300 papers. I’ve never seen anything like this. The results are absolutely incredible.”

Dr. Jacob Wilson Ph.D, co-author of breakthrough study

The Stanford study provides compelling evidence that events like “Date with Destiny” and other coaching events can create lasting personal transformation. Life coaches and NLP practitioners can draw inspiration from these findings, tailoring their approaches to empower clients on their journeys toward an extraordinary life.

Remember, the journey to self-discovery and growth is unique for each individual, but the tools we use can make all the difference.



Masaru Emoto


Seed of Self-Acceptance: The Beginning of Self-Love