The Power of Radical Authenticity - Get trained by a Life Coach

Now is a time for total honesty because the world is changing in extreme ways. Technology, society, family; our careers... Everything – literally our whole way of life – has to be either upgraded or lose its foundation of existence. But we can do better than compromise. We don't have to settle for survival. I believe, without any doubt, that we can absolutely thrive.


To do this:  


We need to check in with ourselves (Regularly, Honestly, Compassionately).


We need to question everything  (Authentically, Meaningfully, Positively)


Above all, This is a time like no other, so we need to ask radically authentic questions.


Conquer the Storm


Life doesn't wait for solutions. We may feel like we're facing a wilderness of inner turmoil, a sometimes-scary, sometimes-ecstatic, but hardly-normal time. In short, this may feel like staring down your own personal“Lifequake.” A state where everything is cast into some form of doubt.


Another factor we are apt to forget: We don't want to simply ride the storm. None of us are cut out for mediocrity. We want to conquer it. We don't even want stability if stability occurs by itself. We want to embrace a positive, loving, long-lasting joy that comes with a life well-lived. That's where Kaden James, a featured expert on MTV, Thrive Global, ABC News and Medium comes in. He cuts through the confusion and opens the way to consistent gains in all dimensions of life.


A real life coach gives us the tools to be our own life-coach.


Like with anything in the personal development space, we need a bit of healthy skepticism.  Some questions we might ask when it comes to life coaches are:


 Are life coaches the silver bullet? Is it okay, or self-reliant to seek “help” from a life-coach? Or is this your personal space, your own domain? Something sacred that only you can learn to deal with? These questions have never been more crucial.


The modern Greats in the field of life-coaching all have a consistent answer to this question.  We're talking about the most unwavering and long-surviving personalities in the world of life-coaching: People with a track-record of changing millions and riding out their own personal storms . These include:


Tony Robbins

Mel Robbins

Marianne Williamson

Cloe Madanes


And in brightest new star to join their ranks, Kaden James.


There's  a principle that  Kaden James gets right every single time:


Life-coaching is the direct opposite of giving you a list of  tasks to tick off. It's far more dynamic and living that that.  It  means re-familiarizing ourselves with our own confidence, our own strength. When you experience it, you'll find an unlimited pool of natural ability and a path to greatness that's absolutely unique  and specific to you. You might have lost perspective of things, but that's okay. No matter where you are, Kaden will prove to you that  unimagined possibilities are always within your reach . The good news is, it's about  checking in with yourself. It's Kaden James' role to help you realize that skill. Success then, is the journey toward becoming your own personal life coach.


The Hidden Benefits of an Online Life Coach


Building Confidence From the Ground Floor Up