The Hidden Benefits of an Online Life Coach

Ever notice that it's all about confidence?



  The type of job you're in;

To the person you marry;

To having and keeping happiness;

And consequently good health.

 A confidence coach is someone who already know all of this to an incredible degree. We are people who are used intimately dealing with this fact along with its many intricacies. But there's another fact that we're sensitive toward, and this is an all-important skill if you're interested in becoming a confidence coach.

Teaching confidence is a lot like teaching someone to breath again.

Confidence is our natural state. And it should be for others too.

Those with confidence never see it. This is a lot like the example of the fish who, passing another on his way to work, asks him how the water is on that particular Wednesday Morning...

What do you think the answer was? The truth is, he sadly never got one. The second fish simply glared back with a look of bewilderment, grasped his briefcase a little tighter, and flittered off into the sandy horizon.

Alright, I know what you're thinking. As clichéd and extreme as this example is though, I love it because it exemplifies so many facts about life. And a fact about confidence-building in particular .

Ask someone who's  naturally “gifted” in one particular area why this is the case, and they'll probably shrug it off as good luck. Confidence can be an especially cruel talent too. A less confident person might be all-too used to the same cold glare, or even some mocking response from your respondent.

You might be all too familiar with this fact; It's why, in our modern society, we don't just ask the simple question:

 “Why are you so confident?”

Instead, a less-than-confident person could be letting this question fester and grow and effervesce inside. The damage this causes is enormous. Which is especially sad when we consider that most people aren't all that confident. It's also the reason confidence is so often portrayed as egotism in Hollywood and many places besides. What sells isn't raw confidence, it's someone who can make fun of themselves; someone who is open to being questioned, not only about confidence, but on its basic value to life.

The point is, we don't ask questions that embarrass us, and as a result, they get shelved; Stored away at the bottom of some dusty basement of our self esteem.

Now, if a less-than-confident person is lucky, their friends are sensitive toward their needs, but even then, these friends are usually so far beyond the basics of confidence-building that they aren't equipped to train them on the subject.

Why online life-coaching is such a valuable skill:

Confidence is a blind-spot many of those who have it, and those who aren't confident put it out of their mind and don't see it's hidden magic of it. This can often lead to some pretty awful misunderstandings in life. Misunderstandings that can lead people to driving in reverse rather than embracing life.

In short, confidence is an evasive thing because too often people:

-        Just assume that it comes naturally.

-        Don't engage it as a skill

-        Can't find the right person to help them.

Static in the Airwaves

Confidence robs individuals of many things that a bolder person might take for granted. One of these is even the ability to broach the basic question, “why are you so confident?”

The problem runs even deeper though.

In my experience as an online confidence coach I've found that there's a certain level of confidentiality that results from online interactions. Very often someone's physical presence can scupper the process of asking that very basic question.

Plus, there's another issue to add to the gambit. A sub-confident person brings to the table a whole crowd of people who have – either wittingly or unwittingly put them down in life. This means that they're not looking for physical interactions at first. This is especially true of these modern times. In fact, we can use the online world to bring people into the real one again.

What they're really looking for is someone confident to open up to, and someone who will listen without the gung-ho attitude that, to them sounds like: “Just do it, silly!”

Certainly, confidence building does involve taking on new challenges in the confidence realm, but these are scaled down to a level that still makes them possible for them. Asking that special someone out on a date when you feel that life is a vampire is usually not one of them.

Let me train you in the path of a true confidence coach:

Confidence is the pin that holds a happy, healthy life together. Because it's so rare, confidence coaching, or related fields like health coaching are always going to be in high demand.

Let me train you to be one of the most effective and highly-rated online coaches in the world. I have personally been trained by the greatest minds in the industry, including Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Marianne Williamson and Cloe Madanes. These are great people and their graciousness, excellence, humility and dedication have put me on the path to success that I could only have previously imagined.

I would like for you to accomplish the same thing. Not only because allowed me to speak my mind and soul on ABC News and MTV(Those are wonderful, but they're secondary achievements for me). I consider my greatest achievement to be that of bringing confidence and wellness to my clients. What I've learnt at Thrive Global, a company that supports those in need of wellness, happiness, and general well-being, is that wellness and confidence is a human need.

As great as demand is for these aspects, I still needed the  skills to become a highly-rated coach and to translate these aspects to others. I've distilled what I've learned down to a manageable, time-effective set of principles, and I believe you'll benefit tremendously from these. So if you need to grow your wellness or confidence coaching business exponentially, contact me.


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